
The OG Battlefront is a fun Telegram-game, that goes back to basics and taps into nostalgia of the OG arcade games and crypto culture.

Players use their Crypto-Cannon to shoot candlesticks at descending OGs, aiming to clear five rows of 11 OGs each. Points are scored by hitting OGs, with game pace and music speeding up as OGs are eliminated.

Completing a set of 55 OGs escalates to a tougher wave, continuing endlessly. OGs fire back, trying to destroy the player's Crypto-Cannon; the game ends and the player gets REKT if OGs reach the bottom (or if the player runs out of 3 lives). Bonus points are available by destroying a Moon Ship that sporadically appears. The player's cannon has partial protection from Bull Bunkers, which can be destroyed by shots from OGs or the player.


Gameplay Outline

  • Scoring:

  • Bonus:

    • Refer the game, using your in-app referral link, to friends and followers to earn 55 referer and 33 referee points.

    • Loads of points will be distributed to key Community Participants.

Enemy Tactics

  • OG Movement: OGs move sideways and drop a line each time they touch the screen's edge.

Master Game Theory and Strategic Gameplay

Imagine a game that blends strategic gameplay, upgradable Dynamic NFTs, immersive storytelling, quests, leaderboards, social sharing, creator-led content, and tokenized rewards. Sounds tasty, right? That's what The OG Battlefront is all about!

Level Up Your Game:

In the game, you have 9 levels of XP. To move up, you need to power-up your Dynamic NFT a.k.a Crypto-Canon or OG Collectible with awesome traits and earn Experience Points (XP). The more traits you add, the faster you level up and dominate the battlefront! Each new level will change the base colour of your OG Collectible.

Key Strategic Elements:

Dynamic NFTs and Trait Upgrades:

Playable Characters: Every player has a unique playable character and a dynamic NFT on the Sui blockchain, minted when you create your SWAYE account. There’s an unlimited supply, so everyone can join in!

Upgradable Collectibles: Spend your hard-earned $WAYE tokens to purchase traits to upgrade your collectible. Earn these tokens through gameplay, referrals, and community participation. With 450 unique traits to choose from, each upgrade not only boosts your power but also visually transforms your collectible.

Visual and Functional Enhancements: Every upgrade transaction automatically updates your collectible's appearance, showing off your progress and enhancements in real-time.

Tokenized Rewards and Immersive Experience:

$WAYE Tokens: Earn $WAYE tokens through gameplay, referrals, and community participation. Use them to upgrade your gear and enhance your gameplay experience. These tokens reward your strategic excellence and continuous play.

Immersive Storytelling: Dive into rich, creator-led content that brings The OG Battlefront's narrative to life. The evolving storylines, memes, GIFs and character arcs keep you engaged and invested in the game universe.

By combining all these exciting elements, The OG Battlefront ensures that every player's journey is unique, personalized, owned and full of surprises. The strategic gameplay, dynamic NFTs, and immersive content make it a new force in the gaming industry, breaking the mould, and offering an innovative and interactive experience.

Join The OG Battlefront now and start your epic adventure today:

Competing with Others

  1. Leaderboard Challenge: Compete for arcade high scores.

  2. Score Sharing: Share and compare scores with others in the community on socials to showcase that you're a badass.

  3. Head-to-Head Simultaneous Play: This 3-Minute Challenge is designed for direct, time-based competition between two players.

1) Leaderboard Challenge

The Leaderboard Challenge revolves around players competing to achieve and maintain high scores, displayed in arcade settings. Here's an elaboration on how this scoring system works:

Scoring System for Leaderboard Challenge:

  1. Point Values for OGs:

    • Blocktopus: 10 points each, located in the bottom 2 rows.

    • COPE Crab: 20 points each, found in the middle 2 rows.

    • Smart Squid: 30 points each, positioned in the top row.

    • Moon Ship: Variable points (50, 100, 150, or 300), appear occasionally.

  1. Accumulating Points:

    • Each screen of OGs (55 total) offers up to 990 points.

    • Players must strategically shoot OGs to accumulate points. The strategy might involve targeting higher-value OGs or consistently clearing rows for a steady score.

  1. Bonus Points:

    • Destroying a Moon Ship grants a significant point bonus. Similar to moonboys, its appearance is random, adding an element of unpredictability and opportunity for skilled players.

  1. Leaderboard Ranking:

    • Scores are ranked from highest to lowest. The top scores (usually the top 10) are displayed on the Leaderboard.

    • Achieving a high score requires skill, strategy, and sometimes endurance as players advance through increasingly difficult bearish and bullish waves.

  1. Competitive Dynamics:

    • Regular players often compete to outdo each other's top scores. High scores become well-known among the player community, your local arcade.

    • Some players may specialize in certain strategies or have recognizable playing styles. Most are known for getting rekt.

  1. Community and Recognition:

    • High scorers gain recognition and respect within the gaming community. They usually become loathed by the peasants.

    • The local arcade or community offer rewards, recognition events, or special privileges to top scorers. For further gloating.

Strategies for High Scores:

  • Efficient Shooting: Maximize your points by targeting higher-point OGs first and efficiently clearing screens.

  • Defence Management: Skillfully use your Bull Bunkers for protection while ensuring they don’t get fully destroyed, as they are crucial for not getting rekt and higher levels.

  • Rhythm and Speed Adaptation: As the game speeds up, adapt your shooting rhythm and movement speed to maintain accuracy and defence. Don't blink. Watch those candlesticks.

  • Practice and Consistency: Regular play and learning from previous games are crucial for improving scores.

The scoring system in The OG Battlefront encourages individual skill and social competition, where players strive not only to beat the game but also to outscore their peers, creating an engaging and dynamic arcade experience.

2) Score Sharing

Score sharing is an informal, social method where players compare scores post-game. It's less formal than arcade leaderboards and involves these steps:

Score Sharing System in Home Settings:

  1. Turn-Based Play:

    • Players take turns playing the game.

    • Each turn can be a single game or a set time limit.

  1. Recording Scores:

    • After each turn, the player's score is recorded.

    • Players input their initials or a name in the game to identify their scores.

  1. Comparing Scores:

    • Once players have had their turn, scores are compared. The player with the highest score is declared the winner for that session.

    • This can be done after each round or after a series of rounds, depending on the length of the gaming session.

  1. Friendly Competition:

    • This setting allows for friendly and social competition.

    • Players can encourage each other, share strategies, and enjoy the game collectively.

  1. Tracking Progress:

    • Scores from different sessions are tracked over time.

    • This allows players to see their improvement and set personal goals.

  1. Rules and Variations:

    • The community can decide on any variations to the standard gameplay or scoring to keep the competition fair and engaging.

    • Examples include setting specific challenges, handicaps for experienced players, or bonus points for certain achievements.

  1. Group Dynamics:

    • Score sharing fosters a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

    • It also allows players of different skill levels to participate and enjoy the game together.

Strategies for Score Maximization:

  • Target High-Value Invaders: Aim for Smart Squids and COPE Crabs before Blocktopuses to maximize points.

  • Moon Ship Opportunities: Be on the lookout for the Moon Ship for a potential high-score boost.

  • Consistent Performance: Focus on consistently clearing invaders without losing lives to maintain a high score.

  • Learn from Observing: Watch other players’ turns to learn new strategies or identify mistakes to avoid.

In this score-sharing system, the emphasis is on fun, improvement, and social community interaction, with the competitive element being more about personal bests and friendly rivalry than intense competition. It's a great way to enjoy The OG Battlefront in a more relaxed, yet still engaging, setting.

3) Head-to-Head Simultaneous Play

3-Min Challenge Objective: Score max points in 3 minutes in simultaneous play.


  • Simultaneous Start and Time Limit: 3 mins for max points.

  • Gameplay: Parallel play; the game ends post 3 mins, highest scorer wins.

  • Scoring: Follow OG Battlefront gameplay rules.

  • Tiebreaker: 1-min round if tied.

  • Fair Play: No interference with opponent/setup.

Additional Guidelines:

  • Synchronization: Countdown timer for simultaneous start.

  • Post-Game: Winner Announced; players discuss strategies and experiences.

Focus: Quick reflexes, parallel strategizing, time-based competition between two players.

Last updated